Annuaire des publications

2488 résultats


Publications Auteurs Kedge Type de publications
DELLA PIANA, B., S. BAYRAKTAR, A. JIMENEZ, "Entrepreneurial Mindsets Across Cultures" dans Humane Entrepreneurship and Innovation., Botti, A. y Parente, R. Eds, Emerald Publishing Limited, chap. 9, pp. 175-191, 2024 JIMENEZ Alfredo
HERRERA, A., A. ARROYO, A. JIMENEZ, A. HERRERO, "Forecasting hotel cancellations through Machine Learning", Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering, 2024, vol. 41, no. 9, pp. e13608 JIMENEZ Alfredo
ORDEÑANA, X., P. VERA, J. ZAMBRANO, A. JIMENEZ, "The Effect of High-growth and Innovative Entrepreneurship on Economic Growth", Journal of Business Research, 2024, vol. 171, no. 114243, pp. 114243 JIMENEZ Alfredo
HERRERA, A., A. ARROYO, A. JIMENEZ, A. HERRERO, "Exploratory techniques to analyze Ecuador's tourism industry", Logic Journal of the IGPL, 2024, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1018–1035 JIMENEZ Alfredo
BORRAZ, S., C. DUBREUIL, "I Don’t Feel Any Guilt: How Consumers Justify The Boundaries Of Their Ethical Green Consumption Practices", Advances in Consumer Research, 2024, vol. 51, pp. 548 DUBREUIL Clement
BILLON, D. - "Craquer » ou pas pour une Tesla ? : une expérience d'achat atypique, un parcours client innovant" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France BILLON Dominique
Etude de cas déposée
HONG, J., A. JAEGLER, O. GERGAUD, "Mobile applications to reduce food waste in supply chains: A systematic literature review", British Food Journal, 2024, vol. 126, no. 2, pp. 509-530 GERGAUD Olivier
JAEGLER, A., L. RANDRIANARISOA, H. YAHYAOUI, "Policy Decision-support for Inland Waterway Transport in Sustainable Urban Areas: An Analysis of Economic Viability", Annals of Operations Research, 2024 RANDRIANARISOA Laingo
DE CHABOT, S., S. SALOMEE RUEL, A. JAEGLER, S. GOLD, "Social inclusion practices in the upstream supply chain: a systematic literature review", International Journal of Logistics Management, 2024, pp. 1867-1896 JAEGLER Anicia
PINHEIRO, B. R., A. SIMAENS, A. JAEGLER - "How can blockchain impact sustainable supply chain management in the luxury goods industry?" - 2024, CCMP, Paris JAEGLER Anicia
Etude de cas déposée
BOJOVIC, N., J. STANISLJEVIC, "Constitutional enshrinement as a way of safeguarding abortion rights: The case of France", Health Policy, 2024, vol. 147, pp. 105124 BOJOVIC Neva
KRAAK, J., Y. GRIEP, Y. ALTMAN, "Self-initiated expatriates in menial jobs: Destructive psychological contracts in the hospitality sector", Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2024, vol. Vol 45, Issue 2, pp. 447-469 KRAAK Johannes
DHIR, A., A. MADANAGULI, F. JABEEN, D. YAHIAOUI, R. QUAGLIA, "Consumer response to the new normal: examining the role of anticipated recovery, smart governance and prosocial behavior in driving satisfaction", International Marketing Review, 2024, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 333-357 YAHIAOUI Dorra
KUMARI, P., A. SHANKAR, A. BEHL, V. PEREIRA, D. YAHIAOUI, B. LAKER, B. B. GUPTA, V. ARYA, "Investigating the barriers towards adoption and implementation of open innovation in healthcare", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2024, vol. 200, pp. 123100 YAHIAOUI Dorra
HARDING, N., R. TASSABEHJI, G. H. LEE, "Organizations, Neoconservativism and New Chauvinism: Organizational receptivity to right-wing political strategies", Organization Studies, 2024, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 1411-1439 LEE Gerald Hugh
GABAY-MARIANI, L., S. SANDRINE LE PONTOIS, "Identifier l'opportunité d'affaire" dans Entrepreneuriat. Outils théoriques et pratiques.., Laurice Alexandre et Nathalie Lameta Ed., EMS, chap. 1, pp. 15-38, 2024 GABAY-MARIANI Laëtitia
GABAY-MARIANI, L., B. BOB BASTIAN, A. CAPUTO, N. PAPPAS, "Hidden stories and the dark side of entrepreneurial commitment", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 2024, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 1553-1575 GABAY-MARIANI Laëtitia
VALÉAU, P., L. GABAY-MARIANI, P. PAILLE, "How initial and long-term commitment profiles shape entrepreneurial persistence over time", Journal of Business Research, 2024, vol. 170, pp. 114332 GABAY-MARIANI Laëtitia
GABAY-MARIANI, L., X. A. FLECHAS, T. H. BLANK TALI, "Entrepreneurs' use of imagination in pivot decision: Toward a conceptual model", Strategic Change, 2024, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 431-444 GABAY-MARIANI Laëtitia
MC GLOIN, A. - "Is This the End of Remote Working at TECHTOK? Role A: General Instructions and Background to the Negotiation" - 2024, The Case Centre MC GLOIN Aidan
Etude de cas déposée
MC GLOIN, A. - "The Sale of Plot 639 - Role A - The Buyer Mr and Mrs Kerry" - 2024, The Case Centre, France MC GLOIN Aidan
Etude de cas déposée
HE, P., W. ZHENG, H. ZHAO, C. JIANG, T.-J. WU, "Citizenship pressure and knowledge hiding: The mediating role of citizenship fatigue and the moderating role of supervisor–subordinate guanxi", Applied Psychology: An International Review, 2024, vol. 73, pp. 565-598 JIANG Cuiling
LACAN, A., V. COMBES, "Mutualité, spécificités managériales et audit social : Une étude dans un grand groupe mutualiste", Management & Sciences Sociales, 2024, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 24-43 LACAN Arnaud
LACAN, A., V. COMBES, "Modèles de travail et management, comment l’ESS peut accompagner la transition vers un monde durable" dans L'ESS en transition(s)., Ed., Le Bord de l'Eau, chap. 22, pp. 29-42, 2024 LACAN Arnaud
MURTAZA, G., O. ROQUES, Q.-U.-A. TALPUR , R. KHAN, I. INAM UL HAQ, "Effects of perceived organisational politics and effort–reward imbalance on work outcomes – the moderating role of mindfulness", Personnel Review, 2024, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 76-98 MURTAZA Ghulam
NEVEU, J.-P., R. KHAN, G. MURTAZA, "Investing in resources: An interaction model of personal resources, commitment, and work achievement", Journal of Personality, 2024, vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 361-377 MURTAZA Ghulam
VELASCO, C., J. VARGAS, O. PETIT, "Multisensory experiences and technology in the context of wine experiences", Journal of Wine Research, 2024, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 85-100 PETIT Olivia
KUTAULA, S., A. GILLANI, D. GREGORY-SMITH, B. BARTIKOWSKI, "Ethical Consumerism in Emerging Markets: Opportunities and Challenges", Journal of Business Ethics, 2024, vol. 191, pp. 651-673 BARTIKOWSKI Boris
BARNETO, P., G. GREGORIO, J.-J. BENAIEM, S. OUVRARD, V. SERRET, DSCG 2 Finance, 3eme édition, Dunod, Paris, France, 2024 OUVRARD Stéphane