Annuaire des publications

2150 résultats


Publications Auteurs Kedge Type de publications
VELASCO, C., A. T.WOODS, O.PETIT, A. D.CHEOK, C.SPENCE, "Crossmodal correspondences between taste and shape, and their implications for product packaging: A review", Food Quality and Preference, 2016, vol. 52, pp. 17-26 PETIT Olivia
TAPIA-MOORE, E., J.TAPIA-YANEZ, "The occurrence of prime numbers revisited.", Gencotec, 2016, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-11 TAPIA MOORE Ernesto
FUSCHILLO, G., "Beyond the Market: The Societal Influence of Fandoms" dans Book Series: Research in Consumer Behavior., Rinallo , D & Belk, R. Eds, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 18, pp. 169-192, 2016 FUSCHILLO Gregorio
BRESSOLLES, G., Le marketing digital, Dunod (Les Topos), Paris, France, 2016 BRESSOLLES Grégory
CHANEY, D., R.LUNARDO, G.BRESSOLLES, "Making the store a place of learning: The effects of in-store educational activities on retailer legitimacy and shopping intentions", Journal of Business Research, 2016, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 5886-5893 BRESSOLLES Grégory
LUNARDO, R., G.BRESSOLLES, F.DURRIEU, "The interacting effect of virtual agents’ gender and dressing style on attractiveness and subsequent consumer online behavior", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2016, vol. 30, pp. 59-66 BRESSOLLES Grégory
DURRIEU François
PIRAYESH, A., G.DOUMEINGTS, "Symbiotic PSS Development Supported by Enterprise Modeling Techniques" dans Enterprise Interoperability in the Digitized and Networked Factory of the Future., Mertins, K., Jardim-Gonçalves, R., Popplewell, K., Mendonça, J.P. Eds, ISTE Ltd, 2016 PIRAYESH Amir
YAHIAOUI, D., H.CHEBBI, Y.WEBER, "HR practices, context and knowledge transfer in M&A", The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2016, vol. 27, no. 20, pp. 2415-2435 YAHIAOUI Dorra
JAEGLER, A., "A sustainable supply chain in the leather sector: dilemmas, challenges and learnings", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2016, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 136-142 JAEGLER Anicia
JAEGLER, A., "Analyse d’une chaîne logistique durable dans le secteur du cuir", Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 2016, vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 617-634 JAEGLER Anicia
JAEGLER, A., "Carbon footprint of supply chains" dans Carbon footprinting: new developments, reduction method and ecological impacts., Ed., NOVA Science publishers, pp. 59-93, 2016 JAEGLER Anicia
JAEGLER, A., O.ALLAL-CHERIF - "La RSE au cœur de la relation fournisseurs et de la performance achats dans le groupe Colas" - 2016, CCMP JAEGLER Anicia
Etude de cas déposée
JAEGLER, A., Y.BOUCHERY, "Joseph Sarkis : la référence en management de la supply chain durable" dans Les grands auteurs en Logistique et Supply Chain Management., Ed., Editions Management & Société , 2016 JAEGLER Anicia
SISLIAN, L., A.JAEGLER, P.CARIOU, "A literature review on port sustainability and ocean's carrier network problem", Research in Transportation Business & Management, 2016, vol. 19, pp. 19-26 JAEGLER Anicia
CHAMARD , C., T.LOREY, "Quels facteurs de succès et d'échecs dans la construction d'une marque territoriale ? L'analyse du processus d'élaboration de la marque territoriale basque", Annales Méditerranéennes d'Economie, Mars 2016, no. N°3, pp. 51-78 LOREY Thierry
LOREY, T., "La communication sportive" dans Pentacom., Malaval Ph., Decaudin J-M Eds, Pearson , pp. 393-422, 2016 LOREY Thierry
LOREY, T., F.DOSQUET , N.ESTELLAT , "Comment valoriser un patrimoine en pleine mutation : le cas des Chemins de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle dans le Sud-Ouest de la France" dans La valorisation des patrimoines, authenticité et communication., Ait Heda et Meyer V. Ed., Ibn Zohr Press, 2016 LOREY Thierry
LUNARDO, R., D.ROUX, D.CHANEY, "The evoking power of servicescapes: Consumers' inferences of manipulative intent following service environment-driven evocations", Journal of Business Research, 2016, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 6097-6105 LUNARDO Renaud
LUNARDO, R., F.PECHEUX LIVAT, "Congruency between colour and shape of the front labels of wine: effects on fluency and aroma and quality perceptions", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2016, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 528 LUNARDO Renaud
LIVAT Florine
SAINTIVES, C., R.LUNARDO, "Coping with Guilt: The Roles of Rumination and Positive Reappraisal in the Effects of Postconsumption Guilt", Psychology & Marketing, 2016, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 344-357 LUNARDO Renaud