Annuaire des publications

2325 résultats


Publications Auteurs Kedge Type de publications
LAVISSIERE, A., J.-P.RODRIGUE, "Free ports: towards a network of trade gateways,", journal of shipping and trade, 2017, pp. 2-7 LAVISSIERE Alexandre
ISLAM, M. Z., S. JASIMUDDIN, I. HASAN, "The role of technology and socialization in linking organizational context and knowledge conversion: The case of Malaysian Service Organizations", International Journal of Information Management, 2017, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 497-503 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
JASIMUDDIN, S., N.ALMURAQAB, , "Factors that influence end-users’ adoption of smart government services: A conceptual framework in the UAE", The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation (EJISE) , 2017, vol. 20(1), pp. 11-23 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
JASIMUDDIN, S., N.MISHRA, N.A. SAIF ALMURAQAB, "Modelling the factors that influence the acceptance of digital technologies in e-government services in the UAE: a PLS-SEM Approach", Production Planning & Control, 2017, vol. 28, no. 16, pp. 1307-1317 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
JAEGLER, A. - "How to evaluate the carbon footprint of a wine supply chain" - 2017, CCMP JAEGLER Anicia
Etude de cas déposée
JIMENEZ, A., M. RUSSO, J. KRAAK, G. F. JIANG, "Corruption and Private Participation Projects in Central and Eastern Europe", Management International Review (Gabler), 2017, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 775-792 KRAAK Johannes
KRAAK, J., J.HOLMQVIST, "The authentic service employee: Service employees' language use for authentic service experiences", Journal of Business Research, 2017, vol. 72, pp. 199-209 KRAAK Johannes
KRAAK, J., R.LUNARDO, O.HERRBACH, F.DURRIEU, "Promises to employees matter, self-identity too: Effects of psychological contract breach and older worker identity on violation and turnover intentions", Journal of Business Research, 2017, vol. 70, pp. 108-117 KRAAK Johannes
DURRIEU François
CHEBBI, H., D.YAHIAOUI, A.THRASSOU, "Multi-country collaborative innovation in the internationalisation process", International Marketing Review, 2017, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 109-137 YAHIAOUI Dorra
CHEBBI, H., D.YAHIAOUI, D.VRONTIS, A.THRASSOU, "The Impact of Ambidextrous Leadership on the Internationalization of Emerging-Market Firms: The Case of India", Thunderbird International Business Review, 2017, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 421-436 YAHIAOUI Dorra
HICHRI, S., S.YAMI, P.GIVRY, Z.M'CHIRGUI, "Rôle des pépinières, caractéristiques du projet entrepreneurial et croissance des startups TIC : le cas d’un pays en développement.", Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 2017, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 59-90 GIVRY Philippe
M'CHIRGUI Zouhaier
BOMPAR, L., R.LUNARDO - "ARENA: “WATER INSTINCT” The marketing problems of being a specialist" - 2017, CCMP LUNARDO Renaud
BOMPAR Laurent
Etude de cas déposée
ADLAND, R., P.CARIOU, F.WOLFF, "What makes a freight rate index? An empirical analysis of vessel fixtures in the offshore market", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2017, vol. 104, pp. 150-164 CARIOU Pierre
CHEAITOU, A., P.CARIOU, "A two-stage maritime supply chain optimisation model", International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2017, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 202 CARIOU Pierre
GOGLIO-PRIMARD, K., "L'association Telecom Valley de la technopole Sophia Antipolis. Le succès d'un réseau.", Gestion : Revue Internationale de gestion, 2017, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 69-70 GOGLIO Karine
GOGLIO-PRIMARD, K., C.GUITTARD, T.BURGER-HELMCHEN, "Knowledge Sharing in geographically Dispersed Communities", Management International, 2017, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 10-15 GOGLIO Karine
GOGLIO-PRIMARD, K., L.-P.GUILLAUME, C.DELMAS, "Schneider Electric pilote les communautés de pratique avec le programme communities@ work" dans Les communautés d'innovation : de la liberté créatrice à l'innovation organisée., Ed., Editions EMS, pp. 139-162, 2017 GOGLIO Karine
MESCHI, P.-X., A.RICARD, E.TAPIA-MOORE, "Fast and Furious or Slow and Cautious? The Joint Impact of Age at Internationalization, Speed, and Risk Diversity on the Survival of Exporting Firms", Journal of International Management, 2017, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 279-291 TAPIA MOORE Ernesto
TAPIA-MOORE, E., "Information Overload and the Internationalization Process Model: An Implementation Attempt", Journal of Business, 2017, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 119-142 TAPIA MOORE Ernesto
FULCONIS, F., G.ROVEILLO, "L'intermédiaton logistique dans le pilotage des chaînes multi-acteurs: proposition d'une grille d'analyse", Management & Avenir, 2017, no. 98, pp. 163-189 ROVEILLO Gérard
BENOIT-MOREAU, F., B.PARGUEL, R.LUNARDO, "Des vertus écologiques de la consommation collaborative : Le cas des plateformes d’échanges d’objets entre particuliers" dans La consommation collaborative : Enjeux et défis de la nouvelle société du partage., Ed., De Boeck Supérieur, chap. 8, pp. 191-214, 2017 LUNARDO Renaud
BOMPAR, L., R.LUNARDO - "ARENA : « WATER INSTINCT » La problématique marketing d'être un spécialiste" - 2017, CCMP LUNARDO Renaud
BOMPAR Laurent
Etude de cas déposée
PARGUEL, B., R.LUNARDO, F.BENOIT-MOREAU, "Sustainability of the sharing economy in question: When second-hand peer-to-peer platforms stimulate indulgent consumption", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2017, vol. 125, pp. 48-57 LUNARDO Renaud
LOREY, T., "Two models of representation for the baby-boom and millennium generations in France: elitist identity capital vs. universal democratic capital", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2017, vol. 32, no. 1/2, pp. 79-101 LOREY Thierry
LOREY, T., F.DOSQUET , Y.ERRAMI , S.CHANTELOT, "Le contrat de destination des Chemins de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle : un défi à terme pour la nouvelle gouvernance ?" dans Les Contrats de destination : un atout d'attractivité et de valorisation des territoires., Bede S. et Spindller J. Ed., L'Harmattan, chap. Chapitre 2 / Seconde partie, pp. 183-210, 2017 LOREY Thierry
YAHIAOUI, D., A. AL ARISS, "La diversité dans le monde arabe: défis et opportunités" dans Management et diversité: comparaisons internationales., Ed., PUL, pp. 255-266, 2017 YAHIAOUI Dorra
YAHIAOUI, D., A.AL ARISS, "Diversity in the Arab world: challenges and opportunities" dans Management and Diversity: perspectives from different national contexts., Ozbilgin, M.F. & Chanlat, J.F. Eds, Emerald Publishing Limited, vol. 3, pp. 249-260, 2017 YAHIAOUI Dorra
BOUCHERY, Y., A. GHAFFARI, Z. JEMAI, T. TAN, "Impact of coordination on costs and carbon emissions for a two-echelon serial economic order quantity problem", European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, vol. 260, no. 2, pp. 520-533 BOUCHERY Yann
BOUCHERY, Y., C. J.CORBETT, J. C.FRANSOO, T.TAN, "Sustainable Supply Chains: Introduction" dans Sustainable Supply Chains., Yann Bouchery, Charles J. Corbett, Jan C. Fransoo, Tarkan Tan Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-12, 2017 BOUCHERY Yann
BOUKHERROUB, T., Y.BOUCHERY, C. J.CORBETT, J. C.FRANSOO, T.TAN, "Carbon Footprinting in Supply Chains" dans Sustainable Supply Chains., Yann Bouchery, Charles J. Corbett, Jan C. Fransoo, Tarkan Tan Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 43-64, 2017 BOUCHERY Yann