Annuaire des publications

2325 résultats


Publications Auteurs Kedge Type de publications
LAVISSIERE, A., O. FAURY, "Free ports as a tool to develop the navigation in the Arctic" dans Arctic Shipping, Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and Port Development., Lasserre, F. & Faury, O. Eds, Routledge, 2019 LAVISSIERE Alexandre
LAVISSIERE, A., "The Experience of Islands with Free Ports and Free Zones" dans Unesco Report on Global Islands, Institute of Island Studies at UPEI., Randall, J Eds, UNESCO, 2019 LAVISSIERE Alexandre
LAVISSIERE, A., "L’opportunité des ports francs en France", Logistique & Management, 2019, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 215-228 LAVISSIERE Alexandre
FEDI, L., A. LAVISSIERE, D. RUSSELL, D. SWANSON, "The facilitating role of IT systems for legal compliance: the case of port community systems and container Verified Gross Mass (VGM)", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2019, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 29–42. LAVISSIERE Alexandre
FEDI Laurent
FEDI, L., O.FAURY, L.ETIENNE, P.RIGOT-MULLER , A.CHEAITOU, S.STEPHENSON, "L’impact de la gestion du risque sur l’attractivité du Passage du Nord-Est" dans Baltic-Arctic Strategic Perspective., Arnaud Serry, Yann Alix & Viktoras Sencila Eds, Editions EMS, chap. 9, pp. 169-190, 2019 FEDI Laurent
FEDI, L., "L’incoterm EXW : le faux ami de la vente internationale", Droit maritime français, 2019, no. 817, pp. 828-833 FEDI Laurent
BATTAIA, O., L.BENYOUCEF, X.DELORME, A.DOLGUI, S.THEVENIN, "Sustainable and Energy Efficient Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems" dans Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: From Design to Implementation., Lyes Benyoucef Ed., Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 179-191, 2019 BATTAIA Olga
MAKSSOUD, F., O.BATTAIA, A.DOLGUI, "Multi-objective Approach and Model for Transfer Line Reconfigurations." dans Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: From Design to Implementation., Lyes Benyoucef Ed., Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 193-208, 2019 BATTAIA Olga
ARKHIPOV, D., O. BATTAIA, A. LAZAREV, "An efficient pseudo-polynomial algorithm for finding a lower bound on the makespan for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem", European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, vol. 275, no. 1, pp. 35-44 BATTAIA Olga
HABIBI, M. K. K., O. BATTAIA, V.-D. CUNG, A. DOLGUI, M. K. TIWARI, "Sample average approximation for multi-vehicle collection–disassembly problem under uncertainty", International Journal of Production Research, 2019, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 2409-2428 BATTAIA Olga
GOMBAULT, A., A. DECAMPS, C. GRELLIER, "Tourisme du surf : du nirvana au développement durable" dans La Déferlante Surf, Catalogue d’exposition., Ed., Musée d'Aquitaine, pp. 269-272, 2019 DECAMPS Aurélien
GOMBAULT, A., A. DECAMPS, C. GRELLIER, "Le surf, produit culturel et industrie créative" dans La Déferlante Surf, Catalogue d’exposition., Ed., Musée d'Aquitaine, pp. 273-277, 2019 DECAMPS Aurélien
KIZGIN, H., B. L.DEY, Y. K.DWIVEDI, L.HUGHES, A.JAMAL, P.JONES, B.KRONEMANN, M.LAROCHE, L.PEÑALOZA, M.-O.RICHARD, N. P.RANA, R.ROMER, K.TAMILMANI, M. D.WILLIAMS, "The impact of social media on consumer acculturation: Current challenges, opportunities, and an agenda for research and practice", International Journal of Information Management, 2019, vol. 51, pp. 102026 PEÑALOZA Lisa
PEREZ LOZANO, M. E., C. QUINTANILLA, R. M. CASANO GONZALEZ, L. PEÑALOZA, "Inverse Socialization with Technology: Understanding Intergenerational Family Dynamics", Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2019, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 818-826 PEÑALOZA Lisa
DUPOUËT, O., B. BERNELA, M. FERRU-CLEMENT, "Network dynamics and communities in applied biomedical research", Innovations: Journal of Innovation, Economics & Management, 2019, no. 30, pp. 213-233 DUPOUËT Olivier
DUPOUËT, O., P.-J. BARLATIER, "Environmental shifts and change strategies", Strategic Organization, 1952-3262 2019, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 405-424 DUPOUËT Olivier
STEINFIELD, L., M.SANGHVI, L.TUNCAY ZAYER, C.COLEMAN, N.OURAHMOUNE, R., L.HARRISSON, W.HEIN, J.BRACE GOVAN, "Transformative intersectionality: moving business towards a critical praxis", Journal of Business Research, 2019, vol. 100, pp. 366-375 OURAHMOUNE Nacima
OURAHMOUNE, N., L. STEINFIELD, C. COLEMAN, L. TUNCAY ZAYER, W. HEIN, "Power logics of consumers’ gendered (in)justices: reading reproductive health interventions through the transformative gender justice framework", Consumption Markets & Culture, 2019, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 406-429 OURAHMOUNE Nacima
LIVAT, F., "Individual and Collective Reputations in the Wine Industry" dans The Palgrave Handbook of Wine Industry Economics., Alonso Ugaglia A., Cardebat JM. Eds, Palgrave Macmillan, chap. 25, pp. 463-485, 2019 LIVAT Florine
SONG, H., F. LIVAT, S. YE, "Effects of terrorist attacks on tourist flows to France: Is wine tourism a substitute for urban tourism?", Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2019, vol. 14, pp. 100385 LIVAT Florine
LIVAT, F., J. ALSTON, J. -M. CARDEBAT, "Do Denominations of Origin Provide Useful Quality Signals? The Case of Bordeaux Wines", Economic Modelling, 2019, vol. 81, pp. 518-532 LIVAT Florine
BERTRAND, P., J.PRIGENT, "On the Optimality of Path-Dependent Structured Funds: the Cost of Standardization", European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, vol. 277, no. 1, pp. 333-350 BERTRAND Philippe
AMÉDÉE-MANESME, C. -O., F. BARTHÉLÉMY, P. BERTRAND, J. -L. PRIGENT, "Mixed-asset portfolio allocation under mean-reverting asset returns", Annals of Operations Research, 2019, vol. 281, no. 1-2, pp. 65-98 BERTRAND Philippe
ZAGST, R., J. KRAUS, P. BERTRAND, "Option-Based performance participation", Journal of Banking and Finance, 2019, vol. 105, pp. 44-61 BERTRAND Philippe
UNIYAL, S., L. GANDARILLAS, M. MICHRAFY, D. OULAHNA, A. MICHRAFY, "Analysis of densification mechanisms of dry granulated materials", Advanced Powder Technology, 2019, vol. 31, pp. 351-358 MICHRAFY Mohamed
BENSEMMANE, S., A. BRIANÇON, M. OHANA, L. BOMPAR, "Le bien-être au travail comme déterminant de l'orientation client : test d'un modèle exploratoire", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gestión, 2019, no. 134, pp. 135-159 BOMPAR Laurent
ZHANG, C., S. HONG, M. OHANA, "Measuring guanxi in Sino-Franco buyer and supplier relationships", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2019, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 46-53 ZHANG Chi
TCHAKOUTE, H., I.SOUMARÉ, "The effect of loan approval decentralization on microfinance institutions' outreach and loan portfolio quality", Journal of Business Research, 2019, vol. 94, pp. 1-17 TCHAKOUTE TCHUIGOUA Hubert