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Jonas Holmqvist est professeur associé de marketing à KEDGE Business School. Ses recherches influentes à l’échelle internationale sur l’utilisation des langues dans les services ont été publiés dans plusieurs revues, y compris Journal of Service Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Business Research, et European Journal of Marketing. Il est également connu pour ses recherches en marketing de luxe, en particulier la valeur perçue dans le luxe ; il travaille régulièrement avec plusieurs entreprises mondialement réputées dans le domaine de luxe, et il est éditeur du Journal of Business Research pour un special issue sur le sujet de ‘Unconventional Luxury’.

    Publications récentes
    Publication Année de publication Type de publication
    PONSIGNON, F., J. HOLMQVIST, "A Framework for Designing Visitor Experiences in Branded Tourist Attractions: Insights from a Luxury Cognac Brand", Journal of Vacation Marketing, 2023 2023 Article
    HOLMQVIST, J., C. KOWALKOWSKI, "Traceability in luxury: Harnessing B2B relationships to enhance ethical practices in the luxury industry", Industrial Marketing Management, 2023, vol. 111, pp. 257-267 2023 Article
    HOLMQVIST, J., J. WIRTZ, M. P. FRITZE, "Luxury Service Consumption" dans Elgar Encyclopedia of Service Studies., Gallouj, F., Gallouj, C., Monnoyer, M., Rubalcaba, L., & Scheuer, M. Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 223-225, 2023 2023 Chapitre
    HOLMQVIST, J., J. WIRTZ, A. ISSANDOU, "Research note: conceptualizing agentic luxury in luxury services", Journal of Services Marketing, 2023, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 1113-1119 2023 Article
    HOLMQVIST, J., J. WIRTZ, M. P. FRITZE, "Managing the Exclusivity of Luxury Service Experiences" dans Handbook of Service Management., Edvardsson, B & Tronvoll, B Eds, Palgrave Macmillan, chap. 13, pp. 263-276, 2022 2022 Chapitre
    AZAB, C., J. HOLMQVIST, "Discrimination in Services: How Service Recovery Efforts Change with Customer Accent", Journal of Business Ethics, 2022, vol. 180, no. 1, pp. 355-372 2022 Article
    HOLMQVIST, J., J. WIRTZ, M. P. FRITZE, "Digital Luxury Services - Traditions Versus Innovation in Luxury Fashion" dans Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy (Ninth Edition) 9th Edition., Jochen Wirtz, Christopher Lovelock Eds, World Scientific, pp. 550-552, 2021 2021 Chapitre
    MININA, A., J. HOLMQVIST, "Liquid, solid and in-between: service relationships in global mobility", Consumption Markets & Culture, 2021, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 575-595 2021 Article
    HOLMQVIST, J., J. WIRTZ, M. P. FRITZE, "Luxury in the Digital Age: A multi-actor service encounter perspective", Journal of Business Research, 2020, vol. 121, pp. 747-756 2020 Article
    THOMSEN, T., J. HOLMQVIST, S. VON WALLPACH, A. HEMETSBERGER, R. BELK, "Conceptualizing unconventional luxury", Journal of Business Research, 2020, vol. 116, pp. 441-445 2020 Article
    HOLMQVIST, J., L. M. VISCONTI, C. GRÖNROOS, B. GUAIS, A. KESSOUS, "Understanding the value process: Value creation in a luxury service context", Journal of Business Research, 2020, vol. 120, pp. 114-126 2020 Article
    WIRTZ, J., J. HOLMQVIST, M. P. FRITZE, "Luxury Services", Journal of Service Management, 2020, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 665-691 2020 Article
    DIAZ RUIZ, C., J. HOLMQVIST, L. PEÑALOZA, "Assembling tribes: An assemblage thinking approach to the dynamics of ephemerality within consumer tribes", European Journal of Marketing, 2020, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 999-1024 2020 Article
    HOLMQVIST, J., C. DIAZ RUIZ, L. PEÑALOZA, "Moments of luxury: Hedonic escapism as a luxury experience", Journal of Business Research, 2020, vol. 116, pp. 503-513 2020 Article
    JIMENEZ, A., J. HOLMQVIST, D. JIMÉNEZ, "Cross-border communication and private participation projects: the role of genealogical language distance", Management International Review, 2019, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 1009-1033 2019 Article
    HOLMQVIST, J., Y. VAN VAERENBERGH, R. LUNARDO, M. DAHLÉN, "The Language Backfire Effect: How Frontline Employees Decrease Customer Satisfaction through Language Use", Journal of Retailing, 2019, vol. 95, no. 2, pp. 115-129 2019 Article
    HOLMQVIST, J., C.DIAZ RUIZ, "Service ecosystems, markets and business networks", The TQM Journal, 2017, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 800-810 2017 Article
    HOLMQVIST, J., Y.VAN VAERENBERGH, C.GRÖNROOS, "Language use in services: Recent advances and directions for future research", Journal of Business Research, 2017, vol. 72, pp. 114-118 2017 Article
    HOLMQVIST, J., "Vad vill den finlandssvenska kunden? Om företagens språkval och om kundbeteende" dans Svenskan i Finland - i dag och i går., Ed., Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland, vol. 2, chap. 10, pp. 197-207, 2017 2017 Chapitre
    KRAAK, J., J.HOLMQVIST, "The authentic service employee: Service employees' language use for authentic service experiences", Journal of Business Research, 2017, vol. 72, pp. 199-209 2017 Article
    Domaines d’enseignement


    • Marketing de luxe, marketing des services
    Domaines de recherche


    • Marketing de luxe, marketing des services