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Olivier Gergaud est professeur d’économie à KEDGE Business School, chercheur affilié au LIEPP de Sciences Po et professeur adjoint à New York University. Il a obtenu un doctorat de l’université de Reims pour une thèse récompensée par l’Association française de science économique (AFSE). Olivier est également titulaire d’une habilitation à diriger des recherches obtenue à Sciences Po en 2009. Les travaux d’Olivier concernent de nombreux domaines de l’économie appliquée (culture, vin, restaurants, sport, environnement, vote, etc.) mais aussi le marketing et la RSE. Professeur invité dans de nombreuses universités européennes (Sciences Po Paris, Université libre de Bruxelles), nord-américaines (NYU, UCLA, HEC Montréal) et en Océanie (University of Canterbury), Olivier a également reçu plusieurs prix académiques comme le Duncan Black Prize pour le meilleur article publié dans Public Choice par un chercheur sénior en 2019 ainsi que le prix du Président lors de la 12e conférence internationale de l’Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI). À KEDGE Business School où il enseigne depuis 2011, Olivier dirige le Food, Wine & Hospitality Center of Excellence et la Chaire consummation responsable qu’il a créée en 2019 avec Vin & Société. Il dirige également l’Alliance for Research on Wine & Hospitality Management qu’il a cofondée en 2017. Il est également membre du comité de rédaction du Journal of Wine Economics et du Journal of Prediction Markets. Olivier est l’auteur de près de 30 articles publiés dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture comme Economic Journal, Ecological Economics, Plos One, Economic Inquiry, Journal of Portfolio Management, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Family Business Review, Journal of Sports Economics, Journal of Wine Economics, Journal of Cultural Economics. La plupart de ses travaux ont bénéficié d’une large couverture médiatique dans des médias tels que The New York Times, The Guardian, The Sunday Telegraph, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Financial Times, Le Monde, France 5, France 2, Harvard Business Review, etc. Il publie enfin régulièrement des colonnes dans le Monde, The conversation et Atabula.  

    Publications récentes
    Publication Année de publication Type de publication
    JEREMY CLARK, J., A. FRANÇOIS, O. GERGAUD, "Social capital, social heterogeneity, and electoral turnout", Kyklos, 2024, vol. 77, no. 4, pp. 1142-1168 2024 Article
    GERGAUD, O., P. MASSET, A. PEDRINELLI, J. P. WEISSKOPF, "The economics of published and unpublished restaurant wine lists. Evidence from Switzerland", Journal of Wine Economics, 2024, vol. 19, pp. 4-18 2024 Article
    GERGAUD, O., F. LIVAT, "How do wineries price their wine experiences?", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2024, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 2653-2674 2024 Article
    HESS , A., S. DODDS, D. JAUD, C. GARNIER, O. GERGAUD, "Curbing Adolescents’ Risky ‘Drinking’ Behavior with Authenticity", Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 2024 2024 Article
    HONG, J., A. JAEGLER, O. GERGAUD, "Mobile applications to reduce food waste in supply chains: A systematic literature review", British Food Journal, 2024, vol. 126, no. 2, pp. 509-530 2024 Article
    FRANÇOIS, A., O. GERGAUD, A. NOURY, "Can health passport overcome political hurdles to COVID-19 vaccination?", European Journal of Political Economy, 2023, vol. 80, pp. 102453 2023 Article
    JAUD, D., O. GERGAUD, R. LUNARDO, "Family and peer communication and wine consumption among young adults: examining the role of responsible drinking practices", British Food Journal, 2023, vol. 125, no. 6, pp. 2070-2086 2023 Article
    GERGAUD, O., V. GINSBURGH, J. D. MORENO-TERNERO, "Tracking the Wines of the Judgment of Paris Over Time. The Case of Stag's Leap Wine Cellars' Cabernet Sauvignon", Journal of Wine Economics, 2022, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 159-166 2022 Article
    LAOUENAN, M., P. BHARGAVA, J.-B. EYMÉOUD, O. GERGAUD, G. PLIQUE, E. WASMER, "A Cross-verified Database of Notable People, 3500BC-2018AD", Scientific Data, 2022, vol. 9, no. 290, pp. 1-19 2022 Article
    GERGAUD, O., V. GINSBURGH, J. D. MORENO-TERNERO, "Wine ratings: seeking a consensus among tasters via normalization, approval and aggregation", Journal of Wine Economics, 2021, vol. 16(3), pp. 321–342 2021 Article
    GERGAUD, O., E. POMARICI, R. VECCHIO, "Sparkling wines future in the USA: Insights from the industry", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2021, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 138-154 2021 Article
    DELMAS, M., O. GERGAUD, "Sustainable Practices and Product Quality: Is there Value in Ecolabel Certification? The Case of Wine", Ecological Economics, 2021, vol. 183, pp. 106953 2021 Article
    NOURY, A., A. FRANÇOIS, O. GERGAUD, A. GAREL, "How does COVID-19 affect electoral participation? evidence from the French municipal elections", PLOS ONE, 2021, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. e0247026 2021 Article
    GERGAUD, O., V. VERARDI, "Untalented but successful? Rosen and Adler superstar Pokemons", Empirical Economics, 2021, vol. 60, pp. 2637–2655 2021 Article
    GERGAUD, O., V.GINSBURGH, "Google Trends Data" dans Handbook of Cultural Economics., Ruth Towse & Trilce Navarrete Hernandez Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 266-278, 2020 2020 Chapitre
    BARKEMEYER, R., C. FAUGERE, O. GERGAUD, L. PREUSS, "Media attention to large-scale corporate scandals: Hype and boredom in the age of social media", Journal of Business Research, 2020, vol. 109, pp. 385-398 2020 Article
    DUMAY, A., O. GERGAUD, M. ROY, J. HUGOT, "Is Crohn’s Disease the Price to Pay Today for Having Survived the Black Death?", Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, Octobre 2019, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 1318-1322 2019 Article
    FRANÇOIS, A., O. GERGAUD, "Is civic duty the solution to the paradox of voting?", Public Choice, 2019, vol. 180, no. 3-4, pp. 257–283 2019 Article
    GERGAUD, O., V.GINSBURGH, "Natural endowments, production technologies and the quality of wines. Does terroir matter?" dans Handbook of the Economics of Wine., Ashenfelter, O., Gergaud, O., Storchmann, K., Ziemba, W. Eds, World Scientific, vol. 1, chap. 4, pp. 97-118, 2018 2018 Chapitre
    RICKARD, B., O.GERGAUD, S.HO, F.LIVAT, H.SHUAY-TSYR, "Trade liberalization in the presence of domestic regulations: public policies applied to EU and U.S. wine markets", Applied Economics, 2018, vol. 50, no. 18, pp. 2028-2047 2018 Article
    GERGAUD, O., F. LIVAT, H. SONG, "Terrorism and Wine Tourism: The Case of Museum Attendance", Journal of Wine Economics, 2018, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 375-383 2018 Article
    COUPE, T., O.GERGAUD, A.NOURY, "Biases and Strategic Behaviour in Performance Evaluation: The Case of the FIFA's best soccer player award", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2018, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 358-379 2018 Article
    FAUGERE, C., O.GERGAUD, "Business ethics searches: A socioeconomic and demographic analysis of U.S. Google Trends in the context of the 2008 financial crisis", Business Ethics: A European Review, 2017, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 271-287 2017 Article
    FRICK, B., O.GERGAUD, P.MATIC, "The Revenue Potential of Product Differentiation: Empirical Evidence From the Croatian Restaurant Industry", Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, 2017, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 259-271 2017 Article
    GERGAUD, O., F.LIVAT, B.RICKARD, F.WARZYNSKI, "Evaluating the net benefits of collective reputation: The case of Bordeaux wine", Food Policy, 2017, vol. 71, pp. 8-16 2017 Article
    GERGAUD, O., V.GINSBURGH, "Google Trends: un outil pour l’évaluation économique d’évènements culturels?" dans Évaluer les politiques publiques de la culture., Ed., Ministère de la Culture, pp. 17-43, 2017 2017 Chapitre
    GERGAUD, O., V.GINSBURGH, "Measuring the Economic Effects of Events Using Google Trends" dans Enhancing Participation in the Arts in the EU: Challenges and Methods., V.M., Ginsburgh, V., Mazza, I., O'Hagan, J., Prieto-Rodriguez, J. Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 337-356, 2017 2017 Chapitre
    GERGAUD, O., Y.NICOLAS, "Évaluer les politiques publiques de la culture: éclairages économiques et méthodologiques" dans Évaluer les politiques publiques de la culture., Ed., Ministère de la Culture, chap. Introduction, pp. 7-16, 2017 2017 Chapitre
    PLANTINGA, A., O.GERGAUD, A.RINGEVAL-DELUZE, "Anchored in the past: Persistent price effects of obsolete vineyard ratings in France", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2017, vol. 133, pp. 39-51 2017 Article
    DELMAS, M., O.GERGAUD, J.LIM, "Does Organic Wine Taste Better? An Analysis of Experts' Ratings", Journal of Wine Economics, 2016, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 329-354 2016 Article
    GERGAUD, O., W. T.ZIEMBA, "Great Investors: Their Methods, Results and Evaluation" dans Great Investment Ideas., William T Ziemba Ed., World Scientific, pp. 175-212, 2016 2016 Chapitre
    GERGAUD, O., Y.NICOLAS, Évaluer les politiques publiques de la culture, Ministère de la Culture, Paris, France, 2016 2016 Livre
    Domaines d’enseignement


    • Microeconomics
    Domaines de recherche



    Industries créatives 


    Entreprises familiales

    Management du sport et de l'événementiel

    Management des vins et spiritueux

    Organisation industrielle


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