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Gregorio Fuschillo est professeur associé de marketing à KEDGE Business School. Il a également été chercheur invité à la Nanyang Technological University, à Singapour, à la SDU (Syddansk Universitet), en Danemark, à RMIT, Melbourne, Australie, et à Schulich School of Business, Toronto, Canada. Ses intérêts de recherche portent sur la culture de consommation, les fandom studies, la moralité dans le marché et le branding. Il est l’auteur d’articles académiques publiés dans des revues telles que Journal of Business Ethics, Marketing Theory, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Culture, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, la Revue Française de Gestion.

    Publications récentes
    Publication Année de publication Type de publication
    D'ANTONE, S., F. CRESPIN MAZET, K. GOGLIO, G. FUSCHILLO, "Resilience capabilities of emerging social collectives: against persistent adversities to benefit their territories" à paraître Management Decision 2024 Article
    D'ANTONE, S., S. SUSI GEIGER, G. FUSCHILLO, "Resonant organizing and thriving in the post-growth era: Diffractive entanglements in a case of social organizing", Organization Studies, 2024 2024 Article
    FUSCHILLO, G., J. CAYLA, B. COVA, "Saved by a brand: an odyssey of personal deliverance", Marketing Theory, 2024 2024 Article
    BHATNAGAR KUSHAGRA, K., J. CAYLA, D. DION, G. FUSCHILLO, "Consumer Sovereignty and the Ethics of Recognition", Journal of Business Ethics, 2024, vol. 4, no. 192, pp. 1-19 2024 Article
    FUSCHILLO, G., S. D'ANTONE, "Consumption networks in times of social distancing: towards entrained solidarity", Marketing Theory, 2023, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 343-364 2023 Article
    FUSCHILLO, G., Brand Fan: Capire i fan per aiutare il proprio brand, Franco Angeli Editore, Milan, Italie, 2022 2022 Livre
    FUSCHILLO, G., J. CAYLA, B. COVA, "Brand magification: when brands help people reconstruct their life", European Journal of Marketing, 2022, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 768-789 2022 Article
    LUCARELLI, A., G. FUSCHILLO, Z. ZUZANA CHYTKOVA, "How cyber political brands emerge: a socio-material analysis of the Italian Five Star Movement and the Czech Pirate Party", European Journal of Marketing, 2021, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 1130-1154 2021 Article
    BERTILSSON JON, J., A. LUCARELLI, G. FUSCHILLO, "Movement Parties as Brand Platforms: The Case of the 5 Star Movement" dans Political Branding in Turbulent times., Mona Moufahim Ed., Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 103-121, 2021 2021 Chapitre
    FUSCHILLO, G., "Fans, Fandoms, or Fanaticism?", Journal of Consumer Culture, 2020, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 347-365 2020 Article
    LUCARELLI, A., G. FUSCHILLO, J. BERTILSSON, "Brand Movement", Advances in Consumer Research, 2018, vol. 46, pp. 692-693 2018 Article
    COVA, B., G.FUSCHILLO, S.PACE, Le Marche Siamo Noi, FrancoAngeli Editore, Milano, Italie, 2017 2017 Livre
    FUSCHILLO, G., "Beyond the Market: The Societal Influence of Fandoms" dans Book Series: Research in Consumer Behavior., Rinallo , D & Belk, R. Eds, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 18, pp. 169-192, 2016 2016 Chapitre
    Domaines d’enseignement



    Domaines de recherche

    Consumer Culture Theory

    Comportement du consommateur

    Kedge Insights
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    Marketing & nouvelle consommation
    Apple, Lego, Playmobil… comment des marques sauvent parfois des vies Bernard COVA Paru dans The conversation
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    Marketing & nouvelle consommation
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    La dimension culturelle, l’oubliée du Black Friday en France Aucun Paru dans The conversation
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    Italy’s Five Star Movement: Looking at an ‘unclassifiable’ political force from a marketing perspective Aucun Paru dans The conversation
    Marketing & nouvelle consommation
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    Marketing & nouvelle consommation