Bernard COVA

Marketing Téléchargez le CV

Bernard Cova est professeur senior de marketing à KEDGE Business School et pionnier dans le domaine de la consommation collective depuis le début des années 1990. Ses recherches influentes à l’échelle internationale ont ouvert la voie aux approches portant sur les communautés de marque. Ses travaux sur ce sujet ont notamment été publiés dans the Journal of Consumer Research, Organization, the European Journal of Marketing, Marketing Theory et the Journal of Business Research. Il est également connu pour ses recherches novatrices en marketing B2B, en particulier dans le domaine des solutions marketing. Ses travaux sur ce sujet ont été publiés dans the Journal of Marketing Management, the Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing et Industrial Marketing Management.

    Publications récentes
    Publication Année de publication Type de publication
    FUSCHILLO, G., J. CAYLA, B. COVA, "Saved by a brand: an odyssey of personal deliverance", Marketing Theory, 2024 2024 Article
    COVA, B., G. MONTEVERDE, A. RUNFOLA, "Activist entrepreneurship for a sustainable future: an integrative framework", Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 2024 2024 Article
    COVA, B., S. GUERCINI, "Tribal entrepreneurs: Caught in the crossfire of the tribal and market logics?", Consumption Markets & Culture, 2024, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 1-16 2024 Article
    BARES, F., B. COVA, A. NEMANI, Start-up tribu - 2e édition. Comment entreprendre avec sa communauté., Éditions JFD, Montreal, Canada, 2024 2024 Livre
    COVA, B., F. BARES, "Extricating the concept of linking value from its tribal gangue", Marketing Theory, 2024 2024 Article
    BARES, F., B. COVA, "Mouvements de consommateurs activistes : Entre cadrage des fondateurs et auto-organisation des membres", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2023, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 14– 39 2023 Article
    BARES, F., B. COVA, "Plaidoyer pour une prise en compte de la proposition de valeur de liaison entre consommateurs dans le champ de l’entrepreneuriat", Revue Internationale PME, 2023, vol. 36, no. 3-4, pp. 167-177 2023 Article
    COVA, B., A. SHANKAR, J. COFFIN , "Marketplaces Cultures" dans Consumer Culture Theory Second Edition., Eric Arnould, Craig Thompson, David Crockett & Michelle Weinberger Eds, Sage, pp. 97-110, 2023 2023 Chapitre
    CARU, A., B. COVA, Z. VOSS, "Disruptive Audience Performance: The Extremes of the Duet Applauses/Boos", International Journal of Arts Management, 2023, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 72-81 2023 Article
    SKÅLÉN, P., B. COVA, J. GUMMERUS J, A. SIHVONEN, "Marketing-as-practice: A framework and research agenda for value-creating marketing activity", Marketing Theory, 2023, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 185-206 2023 Article
    BARES, F., B. COVA, A. NEMANI, START-UPS AND THE MOBILIZATION OF SOCIAL INTERACTIONS, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, UK, Royaume Uni, 2023 2023 Livre
    BARES, F., B. COVA, "Co-creating Brand Value with Diaspora Volunteers", Management International, 2022, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 253-270 2022 Article
    BARES, F., B. COVA, A. NEMANI, Start Up Tribu; Comment entreprendre avec sa communauté, Editions EMS, Caen, France, 2022 2022 Livre
    FUSCHILLO, G., J. CAYLA, B. COVA, "Brand magification: when brands help people reconstruct their life", European Journal of Marketing, 2022, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 768-789 2022 Article
    COVA, V., B. COVA, "Réenchanter l’expérience de consummation par la douleur : Un moyen ‘magique’ d’accéder au salut ?," dans Variations sur la consommation et la distribution : Individus, expériences, systèmes.., Des Garets, V. & Paché, G. Eds, Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, pp. 51-57, 2022 2022 Chapitre
    COVA, B., L. DESSART, "You’ll Never Walk Alone: Socializing and Finding your Tribe in a Digital Age" dans The Routledge Handbook of Digital Consumption 2e Edition., Rosa Llamas and Russell Belk Ed., Routledge, chap. 41, pp. 218-227, 2022 2022 Chapitre
    COVA, B., "How the ‘invisible diaspora hand’ moves brands and places", Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 2022, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 585-595 2022 Article
    GUERCINI, S., B. COVA, "How innovation nurtures well-being in enthusiast communities", Innovation: Organization & Management , 2022, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 522-551 2022 Article
    WELTÉ, J. B., J. CAYLA, B. COVA, "The intimacy trap: Navigating the commercial friendships of luxury", Journal of Business Research, 2022, vol. 145, pp. 649-659 2022 Article
    COVA, B., L. CANTONE, P. P. TESTA, "Giving form to future branding realities.", Journal of Service Management, 2022, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 417-427 2022 Article
    COVA, B., "Ventolin: A market icon", Consumption Markets & Culture, Printemps 2022, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 195-205 2022 Article
    COVA, B., F. BARES, A. NEMANI, "Creating a Brand Community at the Bottom of the Pyramid: The Case of a Cameroonian Music Platform", Journal of Marketing Management, 2021, vol. 37, no. 9-10, pp. 887-913 2021 Article
    DESSART, L., B. COVA, "Brand repulsion: consumers’ boundary work with rejected brands", European Journal of Marketing, 2021, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 1285-1311 2021 Article
    COVA, B., "The New Frontier of Consumer Experiences: Escape through Pain", Academy of Marketing Science Review (AMS Review), 2021, vol. 11, pp. 60-69 2021 Article
    COVA, B., R. SPENCER, F. N. H. FERREIRA, J. PROENÇA, "Understanding the morphing of focal nets in the solution business: a triad management perspective", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2021, vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 2243-2256. 2021 Article
    COVA, B., B. S. IVENS, R. SPENCER, "The ins and outs of market shaping: Exclusion as a darkside?", Journal of Business Research, 2021, vol. 124, pp. 483-493 2021 Article
    CARU, A., B.COVA, "Experiencing Consumption" dans Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective 2nd Edition., Penaloza, L., Toulouse, N. & Visconti, L.M. Eds, Routledge, pp. 139-152, 2020 2020 Chapitre
    BARES, F., B. COVA, G. FARDE, R. SALLE, "Caught in the crossfire of orders of worth: A failed attempt by a small business to reconfigure a French public sector", Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 2020, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 203-222 2020 Article
    CANTONE, L., B. COVA, P. P. TESTA, "Nostalgia and Pastiche in the Post-postmodern Zeitgeist: The ‘Postcard’ from Italy", Marketing Theory, 2020, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 481-500 2020 Article
    COVA, B., A.SHANKAR, "Tribal Marketing" dans Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective 2nd Edition., Penaloza, L., Toulouse, N. & Visconti, L.M. Eds, Routledge, pp. 168-182, 2020 2020 Chapitre
    COVA, B., "Living Parallel Lives: Karin, Henrikki, Me and the Others" dans Henrikki Tikkanen 50., Juho-Petteri Huhtala & Joel Hietanen Ed., Nordic Institute of Business & Society, pp. 162-175, 2020 2020 Chapitre
    COVA, B., "To Change the Law, Defy the Law: Hijacking the Cause and Co-opting Its Advocate", Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 2020, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 430-443 2020 Article
    COVA, B., P. COHENDET, L. SIMON, K. GOGLIO-PRIMARD, ""Innover avec et par les communautés: Un nouveau défi pour les entreprises !" Intro", Revue Française de Gestion, 2020, vol. 287, no. 2, pp. 69-79 2020 Article
    COVA, V., B.COVA, "Pain, suffering and the consumption of spirituality: a toe story", Journal of Marketing Management, 2019, vol. 35, no. 5-6, pp. 565-585 2019 Article
    COVA, V., B. COVA, "Experience copycats. The Compostela case", Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2019, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 720-732 2019 Article
    COVA, B., "Entre communautarisation de la consommation et marchandisation de la vie quotidienne" dans Les reconfigurations de l'échange marchand., Myriam Ertz, Damien Hallegate & Julien Bousquet Eds, Presses de l'Université du Québec, chap. Préface, pp. VII-XVI, 2019 2019 Chapitre
    COVA, B., B.PARANQUE, "Tensions between Value Capture and Value Slippage: The Case of Brand Communities", Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 2019, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 35-46 2019 Article
    COVA, B., P. SKALEN, S. PACE, "Interpersonal practice in project marketing: How institutional logics condition and change them", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2019, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 723-734 2019 Article
    COVA, B., "Jamais sans ma tribu ? Modulations de la relation de service en marketing tribal", Decisions Marketing, 2019, no. 95, pp. 15-32 2019 Article
    AARIKKA-STENROOS, L., L.AABOEN, B.COVA, A.ROLSFEN, "Building B2B relationships via initiation contributors: Three cases from the Norwegian-South Korean international project business", Industrial Marketing Management, 2018, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 74-85 2018 Article
    COVA, B., A.CARU, J.CAYLA, "Re-conceptualizing escape in consumer research", Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 2018, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 445-464 2018 Article
    COVA, B., A.SHANKAR, "Consumption tribes and collective performance" dans Consumer Culture Theory., Eric J. Arnould & Craig J Thompson Ed., Sage, pp. 88-106, 2018 2018 Chapitre
    COVA, B., D.DALLI, "Prosumption tribes: How consumers collectively rework brands, products, services and markets" dans The SAGE Handbook of Consumer Culture., Olga Kravets, Pauline Maclaran, Steven Miles & Alladi Venkatesh Eds, Sage, pp. 235-255, 2018 2018 Chapitre
    COVA, B., G.GAGLIO, J.WEBER, P.CHANIAL, "Organizational Sensemaking of Non-ethical Consumer Behavior: Case Study of a French Mutual Insurance Company", Journal of Business Ethics, 2018, vol. 148, no. 4, pp. 783-799 2018 Article
    COVA, B., P.CHANIAL, A.CAILLE, G.GAGLIO, J.WEBER, "Gérer par la valeur sociale : Un pari impossible pour les mutuelles ?" dans GESS : Gestion des Entreprises Sociales et Solidaires., Amina BEJI-BECHEUR, Pénélope CODELLO, Pascale CHATEAU TERRISSE Eds, Editions EMS, pp. 83-104., 2018 2018 Chapitre
    GUERCINI, S., B.COVA, "Unconventional entrepreneurship", Journal of Business Research, 2018, vol. 92, no. November, pp. 385-391 2018 Article
    PARANQUE, B., B.COVA, "Exploitation and Emancipation" dans The Routledge Companion to Critical Marketing., Tadajewski,M., Higgins, M., Denegri-Knott,J. and Varman, R. Eds, Routledge, chap. 27, pp. 439-452, 2018 2018 Chapitre
    COVA, B., G.FUSCHILLO, S.PACE, Le Marche Siamo Noi, FrancoAngeli Editore, Milano, Italie, 2017 2017 Livre
    SCOTT, R., J.CAYLA, B.COVA, "Selling Pain to the Saturated Self", Journal of Consumer Research, 2017, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 22-43 2017 Article
    TESTA, P., B.COVA, L.CANTONE, "The process of de-iconisation of an iconic brand: a genealogical approach", Journal of Marketing Management, 2017, vol. 33, no. 17-18, pp. 1490-1521 2017 Article
    BARES, F., B. COVA, S. HOMBOURGER-BARÈS, "Coaching entrepreneurial : Comment intégrer la passion ?", Entreprendre et Innover, 2017, no. 35, pp. 7-18 2017 Article
    COVA, B., "Pourquoi les cadres paient-ils pour souffrir le dimanche ?", Le libellio D'Aegis, 2017, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 7-17 2017 Article
    COVA, B., La vie sociale des marques, Editions EMS, Caen, France, 2017 2017 Livre
    COVA, B., E.REMY, "Au coeur du phénomène collaboratif : l’entraide" dans La Consommation Collaborative., Decrop, A. Eds, De Boeck-Vuibert, 2017 2017 Chapitre
    COVA, B., V.COVA, H.EL JURDI, "Ethnographies of a Mediterranean Vestaval: The Passeggiata" dans Contemporary Consumer Culture Theory., Sherry, J. F. Jr. & Fischer, E. Eds, Routledge, pp. 130-151, 2017 2017 Chapitre
    FERREIRA, F. N. H., B.COVA, R.SPENCER, J. F.PROENÇA, "A phase model for solution relationship development: a case study in the aerospace industry", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2017, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 625-639 2017 Article
    FERREIRA, F. N. H., B.COVA, R.SPENCER, J. F.PROENÇA, "A dynamics-based approach to solutions typology: A case from the aerospace industry", Industrial Marketing Management, 2016, vol. 58, pp. 114-122 2016 Article
    CARU, A., B.COVA, S.PACE, "Innovating’ as an interaction of practices: the case of customers’ use of a new website" dans Innovating in practices: perspectives and experiences., Tiziana Russo Spena, Cristina Mele & Maaria Nuutinen Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 139-157, 2016 2016 Chapitre
    CARU, A., L.COLM, B.COVA, "Innovating Services Through Experiences: An Investigation of Servicescape’s Pivotal Role," dans Service Innovation. Novel Ways of Creating Value in Actor Systems., Toivonen, M Eds, Springer Japan, pp. 149-170, 2016 2016 Chapitre
    COVA, B., "Brand Communities" dans The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology., Ritzer, G. Eds, Blackwell Publishing, 2016 2016 Chapitre
    COVA, B., B.PARANQUE, "Value slippage in brand transformation: a conceptualization", Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2016, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 3-10 2016 Article
    COVA, B., S. GUERCINI, "Passion et entrepreneuriat : Vers un entrepreneur tribal ?", Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 2016, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 7-34 2016 Article
    PARANQUE, B., B.COVA, "Brand Value Creation versus Destruction: The Relationship between Consumers, Marketers, and Financiers" dans Finance Reconsidered: New Perspectives for a Responsible and Sustainable Finance., Bernard Paranque, Roland Pérez Eds, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 245-261, 2016 2016 Chapitre
    COVA, B., S.D'ANTONE, "Brand Iconicity vs. Anti-Consumption Well-Being Concerns: The Nutella Palm Oil Conflict", Journal of Consumer Affairs, 2016, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 166-192 2016 Article
    Domaines d’enseignement



    Domaines de recherche

    Comportement du consommateur

    • Consumer Culture Theory (CCT)

    Stratégie de marque

    BtoB Marketing


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