Annuaire des publications

2326 résultats


Publications Auteurs Kedge Type de publications
KLIBI, W., A.MARTEL, Designing Value-Creating Supply Chain Networks, Springer International Publishing, Suisse, 2016 KLIBI Walid
KLIBI, W., A.MARTEL, A.GUITOUNI, "The impact of operations anticipations on the quality of stochastic location-allocation models", Omega, 2016, vol. 62, pp. 19-33 KLIBI Walid
MARTEL, A., W.KLIBI, "SCNs for Sustainable Development" dans Designing Value-Creating Supply Chain Networks., Martel, A. & Klibi, W. Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 463-501, 2016 KLIBI Walid
LACAN, A., "La postmodernité dans l’entreprise : quel manager pour relever le défi ?", Management & Avenir, 1768-5958 2016, vol. 90, no. 8, pp. 195-217 LACAN Arnaud
BARBAT, V., F.BOUSQUET, K.WILSON, "Les perturbations dans les relations d'interdépendance forte", Revue Française de Gestion, 2016, vol. 42, no. 256, pp. 159-179 BARBAT Valérie
BOUSQUET, F., V. BARBAT, T. VERSTRAETE, "Influence des préférences de l'entrepreneur sur la dynamique de l'ancrage territorial", Gestion 2000, 2016, vol. 33, pp. 53-74 BARBAT Valérie
SERAPHIN , H., V. GOWREESUNKAR, M. AMBAYE, "The Blakeley Model applied to improving a tourist destination: An exploratory study - The case of Haiti", Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2016, vol. 5, pp. 325-332 AMBAYE Michele
SERAPHIN , H., V. GOWREESUNKAR, M. AMBAYE, V. BONNARDEL, "A Marketing Research Tool for Destination Management Organisations’ Logo Design", Journal of Business Research, 2016, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 5022-5027 AMBAYE Michele
DE VECCHI, D., "Approche pragmaterminologique des termes des entreprises et des organisations", Revue du Gerflint, 2016, no. 12, pp. 125-142 DE VECCHI Dardo
DE VECCHI, D., "La création lexicale et terminologique en entreprise : formes et dérivations productives" dans La Fabrique des mots français., Jacquet-Pfau, C. et Sablayrolles, J.F. Eds, Lambert, pp. 295-313, 2016 DE VECCHI Dardo
DELMAS, M., O.GERGAUD, J.LIM, "Does Organic Wine Taste Better? An Analysis of Experts' Ratings", Journal of Wine Economics, 2016, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 329-354 GERGAUD Olivier
GERGAUD, O., W. T.ZIEMBA, "Great Investors: Their Methods, Results and Evaluation" dans Great Investment Ideas., William T Ziemba Ed., World Scientific, pp. 175-212, 2016 GERGAUD Olivier
GERGAUD, O., Y.NICOLAS, Évaluer les politiques publiques de la culture, Ministère de la Culture, Paris, France, 2016 GERGAUD Olivier
FEDI, L., A.LAVISSIERE, T.MANDJÁK, "The key role of infrastructure in backshoring operations: the case of free zones", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2016, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 143-155 LAVISSIERE Alexandre
FEDI Laurent
HASNAIN, S. S., S.JASIMUDDIN, N.FULLER-LOVE, "Exploring Causes, Taxonomies, Mechanisms and Barriers Influencing Knowledge Transfer", Information Resources Management Journal, 2016, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 39-56 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
JASIMUDDIN, S., M.MANIRUZZAMAN, "Resource Nationalism Specter Hovers Over The Oil Industry: The Transnational Corporate Strategy To Tackle Resource Nationalism Risks", Journal of Applied Business Research, 2016, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 387 400 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
SILVA, F., A.LACAN, "Pour une intégration de la gestion des biens communs dans le management public" dans Réformes publiques : expériences et enseignements., Hae Ok-Pyun et Claire Edey Gamassou Ed., l'Harmattan, 2016 LACAN Arnaud
DERBAIX, M., C.DERBAIX, M.KINDT, M. L.FERNANDEZ, M.KORCHIA, "Transmissions culturelles entre parents et enfants : le cas des goûts musicaux", Management & Avenir, Eté 2016, vol. 87, no. 5, pp. 151-174 KORCHIA Michaël
GANDJA, S. V., G.POLLENNE, "Contingences structurelles et pratiques comptables des PME dans une économie en développement: le cas du Cameroun", Management & Sciences Sociales, 2016, vol. 20, pp. 18-38 GANDJA Serge Valant
GANDJA, S. V., Z.YANAT, "Audit légal et perception de la qualité des travaux dans une économie en développement", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, 2016, vol. 112, pp. 77-102 GANDJA Serge Valant
TCHANKAM, J.-P., J. R.FEUDJO, S. V.GANDJA, "The determinants of financial structure : How to explain the paradox of insolvency and debt among SMEs in Cameroon", Research in International Business and Finance, 2016, vol. 36, pp. 73-84 GANDJA Serge Valant
MALTESE, L., F.PONS, J.-P.DANGLADE, O.KERAMIDAS, "L’écosystème des spectacles sportifs : de la recherche aux pratiques managériales … et inversement", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gestión, 2016, no. 115, pp. 75-96 DANGLADE Jean-Philippe
BOUOUD, I., S.SKANDRANI, I.BOUGHZALA, M.MAKHLOUF, "Impact of object manipulation, customization and social loafing on competencies management in 3D Virtual Worlds", Information Systems Frontiers, Hiver 2016, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1191-1203 BOUOUD Ikram
LUNARDO, R., D.ROUX, D.CHANEY, "The evoking power of servicescapes: Consumers' inferences of manipulative intent following service environment-driven evocations", Journal of Business Research, 2016, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 6097-6105 LUNARDO Renaud
ADLAND, R., P.CARIOU, F.-C.WOLFF, "The influence of charterers and owners on bulk shipping freight rates", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2016, vol. 86, pp. 69-82 CARIOU Pierre
FAURY, O., P.CARIOU, "The Northern Sea Route competitiveness for oil tankers", Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2016, vol. 94, pp. 461-469 CARIOU Pierre
FAUGERE, C., "Applying Mindfulness and Compassion in Finance" dans Finance Reconsidered: New Perspectives for a Responsible and Sustainable Finance., Bernard Paranque, Roland Pérez Eds, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 299-319, 2016 FAUGERE Christophe
BEN LETAIFA, S., K.GOGLIO-PRIMARD, "How does institutional context shape entrepreneurship conceptualizations?", Journal of Business Research, 2016, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 5128-5134 GOGLIO Karine