Annuaire des publications

2326 résultats


Publications Auteurs Kedge Type de publications
AUGER, P. - "Cultiver la créativité ou comment mettre en place une culture favorable à son développement" - 2018, CCMP AUGER Pascale
Etude de cas déposée
AUGER, P. - "Le Royal Bristol Infirmary : quand la culture d'entreprise devient aveugle et assassine." - 2018, CCMP AUGER Pascale
Etude de cas déposée
AUGER, P., P.MIRVIS, R.WOODMAN, "Getting lost to find direction: Grounded theorizing and consciousness-raising in management education", Management Learning, 2018, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 453-470 AUGER Pascale
GAO, N., "Chinese companies Go Global The case of Chinese investments in France" dans China's Global Political Economy: Managerial Perspectives., Ed., Routledge, chap. 7, pp. 127-148, 2018 GAO Ni
GAO, N., "Control and Coordination of Chinese Subsidiaries in France" dans Asian Nations and Multinationals., Ed., Springer International Publishing, chap. 3, pp. 29-45, 2018 GAO Ni
GAO, N., J. SCHAAPER, "Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in France: Motivations and Management Style", Management International Review (Gabler), 2018, vol. 22, no. Numéro spécial, pp. 113-129 GAO Ni
CARIGNANI, G., P.ANDRIANI, "Complex analogy and modular exaptation: some critical reflections" dans Handbook of Research Methods in Complexity Science: Theory and Application., Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 22, pp. 483-506, 2018 ANDRIANI Pierpaolo
SERVAJEAN-HILST, R., H. POISSONNIER, G. PIERANGELINI, Collaborer pour innover: Le management stratégique des ressources externes, De Boeck Superieur, Bruxelles, Belgique, 2018 SERVAJEAN-HILST Romaric
SERVAJEAN-HILST, R., R.CALVI, "Shades of the Innovation-Purchasing function – the missing link of Open Innovation", International Journal of Innovation Management, 2018, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1-30 SERVAJEAN-HILST Romaric
MORA, P., T.WHITE - "S.A.G.E. : Une crèche parentale face aux évolutions de son domaine d'activité" - 2018, CCMP, Paris WHITE Tim
Etude de cas déposée
MORA, P., T.WHITE - "SAGE: A parent-run daycare centre in a changing environment" - 2018, CCMP, Paris, France WHITE Tim
Etude de cas déposée
CELHAY, F., H.REMAUD, "What does your wine label mean to consumers? A semiotic investigation of Bordeaux wine visual codes", Food Quality and Preference, 2018, vol. 65, pp. 129-145 REMAUD Hervé
LIVAT, F., H.REMAUD, "Factors Affecting Wine Price Mark-up in Restaurants", Journal of Wine Economics, 2018, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 144-159 REMAUD Hervé
LIVAT Florine
CHEN, Y. T., E.SUN, M. T.YU, "Risk Assessment with Wavelet Feature Engineering for High-frequency Portfolio Trading", Computational Economics, 2018, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 653-684 SUN Edward
BOJOVIC, N., C.GENET, V.SABATIER, "Learning, signaling, and convincing: The role of experimentation in the business modeling process", Long Range Planning, 2018, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 141-157 BOJOVIC Neva
BEN LARBI, S., A.LACROUX, P.LUU, "Impact de la notation sociétale sur la dynamique des performances environnementale, sociale et de gouvernance dans un contexte international: une étude empirique fondée sur la base longitudinale Vigéo Eiris", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, 2018, vol. 4, no. 127, pp. 187-214 BEN LARBI Sami
FEDI, L., " Le droit anglais des ventes maritimes; Sassoon: CIF and FOB Contracts", Droit maritime français, Mai 2018, no. 802, pp. 412-420 FEDI Laurent
FEDI, L., "De l’imputation des risques et coûts dans une vente internationale", Droit maritime français, Juin 2018, no. 803, pp. 528-535 FEDI Laurent
FEDI, L., L.ETIENNE, O.FAURY, P.RIGOT-MULLER, S.STEPHENSON, A.CHEAITOU, "Arctic Navigation; Stakes, Benefits, Limits of the Polaris System", Journal of Ocean Technology, Décembre 2018, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 54-67 FEDI Laurent
FEDI, L., O.FAURY, D.GRITSENKO, "The impact of the Polar Code on risk mitigation in Arctic waters: a “toolbox” for underwriters?", Maritime Policy & Management, 2018, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 478-494 FEDI Laurent
ELAGE, A., Y. MARD, "Code de gouvernance et gestion des résultats comptables : le cas des sociétés françaises cotées", Comptabilité Contrôle Audit, 2018, vol. 2, no. 24, pp. 113-147 ELAGE Adam
COMYNS, B., "Climate change reporting and multinational companies: Insights from institutional theory and international business", Accounting Forum, 2018, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 65-77 COMYNS Breeda
COMYNS, B., E. FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, "Corporate Reputation and Collective Crises: A Theoretical Development Using the Case of Rana Plaza", Journal of Business Ethics, 2018, vol. 150, no. 1, pp. 159-183 COMYNS Breeda
LIN, E. M. H., E.SUN, M.-T.YU, "Systemic risk, financial markets, and performance of financial institutions", Annals of Operations Research, 2018, vol. 262, no. 2, pp. 579-603 SUN Edward
SUN, E., R. J.WANG, M. T.YU, "Integrated Portfolio Risk Measure: Estimation and Asymptotics of Multivariate Geometric Quantiles", Computational Economics, 2018, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 627-652 SUN Edward
AKKAN, E., M. LAZAROVA, S. REICHE, "The role of repatriation in and for global careers" dans The Management of Global Careers., Michael Dickmann, Vesa Suutari, Olivier Wurtz Eds, Palgrave Macmillan, chap. 9, pp. 223-256, 2018 AKKAN Eren
GROSS, J., F. WANGENHEIM, "The Big Four of Influencer Marketing. A Typology of Influencers.", Marketing Review St. Gallen, 2018, vol. 2, pp. 30-38 GROSS Jana
GOGLIO-PRIMARD, K., E. SOULIER, "Connaissances et technologie dans les communautés d’innovation", Systèmes d’Information et Management, 2018, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 3-9 GOGLIO Karine
VOLPERT, J., "L’Entreprise commerciale et son droit" dans Économie-Droit. Prépas ECT. 1re et 2e année. Cours, méthodes, sujets., Garofalo Ludovic, Larchevêque Frédéric (coord.) Eds, Ellipses, pp. 525-534, 2018 VOLPERT Johanna
VOLPERT, J., "La Protection du consommateur" dans Économie-Droit. Prépas ECT. 1re et 2e année. Cours, méthodes, sujets., Garofalo Ludovic, Larchevêque Frédéric (coord.) Eds, Ellipses, pp. 611-621, 2018 VOLPERT Johanna