Stratégie, développement durable et entrepreneurship Téléchargez le CV

Breeda Comyns est professeur associé au Département stratégie, développement durable et entrepreneuriat à KEDGE Business School. Elle est titulaire d'un doctorat de l'Université de Leeds (2013) et elle est diplômée de l'université de Manchester et de l'université de Limerick. Ses recherches portent sur les rapports sociaux et environnementaux, le développement durable et l'éthique des affaires. Elle a publié son travail dans des revues académiques internationales comme le Journal of Business Ethics et  Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. À KEDGE elle donne des cours de développement durable et des cours de stratégie d'entreprise. 

    Publications récentes
    Publication Année de publication Type de publication
    BEN AMAR, W., B. COMYNS, I. MARTINEZ, "Firm commitments on climate change: Effects of science-based targets on financial outcomes during the COVID-19 crisis", Business Strategy and the Environment, 2024, vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 7768-7787 2024 Article
    COMYNS, B., P.-X. MESCHI, A. NORHEIM-HANSEN, "Firms' responses to environmental misconduct accusations under the condition of contested practice complexity: Evidence from the palm oil production industry", Business Strategy and the Environment, 2023, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 5332-5348 2023 Article
    BEN AMAR, W., B. COMYNS, I. MARTINEZ, "The COVID-19 pandemic: opportunity or challenge for climate change risk disclosure?", Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal, 2023, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 649-676 2023 Article
    COMYNS, B., P. -X. MESCHI, A. NORHEIM-HANSEN, "Cut Them Loose? Firms’ Response Strategies to Environmental Misconduct by Supplying Firms", Organization and Environment, 2022, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 335-364 2022 Article
    PEILLEX, J., S. BOUBAKER, B. COMYNS, "Does It Pay to Invest in Japanese Women? Evidence from the MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index", Journal of Business Ethics, 2021, vol. 170, pp. 595-613 2021 Article
    PEILLEX, J., B. COMYNS, "Pourquoi les sociétés financières décident-elles d’adopter les Principes des Nations Unies pour l’Investissement Responsable ?", Comptabilité Contrôle Audit, 2020, vol. 26, pp. 79-117 2020 Article
    ASHRAF, N., B. COMYNS, S. TARIQ, H. R. CHAUDHRY, "Carbon performance of firms in developing countries: The role of financial slack, carbon prices and dense network", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, vol. 253, pp. 119846 2020 Article
    ASHRAF, N., B.COMYNS, G. A.ARAIN, Z.BHATTI, "The roles of network embeddedness, market incentives, and slack resources in the adoption of clean technologies by firms in developing countries", Climate Policy, 2019, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 556-570 2019 Article
    COMYNS, B., "Climate change reporting and multinational companies: Insights from institutional theory and international business", Accounting Forum, 2018, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 65-77 2018 Article
    COMYNS, B., E. FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, "Corporate Reputation and Collective Crises: A Theoretical Development Using the Case of Rana Plaza", Journal of Business Ethics, 2018, vol. 150, no. 1, pp. 159-183 2018 Article
    COMYNS, B., "Determinants of GHG Reporting: An Analysis of Global Oil and Gas Companies", Journal of Business Ethics, 2016, vol. 136, no. 2, pp. 349-369 2016 Article
    Domaines d’enseignement


    Domaines de recherche


    Ethique des affaires

    Développement durable

    Kedge Insights
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    Développement durable
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    Développement durable
    Corporate Reputation and Collective Crises Elizabeth FRANKLIN-JOHNSON Publication highlight
    Développement durable
    What Makes Oil and Gas Companies Report on Emissions Aucun Publication highlight
    Développement durable