Stratégie, développement durable et entrepreneurship Téléchargez le CV

Andrea Thorpe est professeure assistante d’entrepreneuriat, d’innovation et de stratégie à KEDGE Business School. Elle est titulaire d’un doctorat et d’un MBA d’Aston Business School au Royaume-Uni et son expérience internationale se reflète dans son intérêt particulier pour les étudiants internationaux, la pédagogie en ligne et le processus d’internationalisation des écoles de commerce en Europe. Ses domaines de recherche actuels s’articulent autour de la gamification comme outil d’innovation et de stratégie dans les sociétés. Andrea s’intéresse également aux petites entreprises et à l’entrepreneuriat. Elle dispense des enseignements en stratégie, entrepreneuriat et gamification.

    Publications récentes
    Publication Année de publication Type de publication
    GUTBERLET, M., L. PREUSS, A. THORPE, "Macro level matters: Advancing circular economy in different business systems within Europe", Ecological Economics, 2023, vol. 211, pp. 107858 2023 Article
    FIGGE, F., A. THORPE, "Circular economy, operational eco-efficiency, and sufficiency. An integrated view.", Ecological Economics, 2023, vol. 204, Part B, pp. 107692 2023 Article
    THORPE, A., "Eco-efficiency" dans Dictionary of Ecological Economics., Brent M. Haddad and Barry D. Solomon Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 143-144, 2023 2023 Chapitre
    FIGGE, F., A. THORPE, S. MANZHYNSKI, M. GUTBURLET, "The us in reUSe. Theorising the how and the why of the circular economy.", Business Strategy and the Environment, 2022, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 2741-2753 2022 Article
    FIGGE, F., A. THORPE, S. MANZHYNSKI, "Value creation and the circular economy. A tale of three externalities", Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2022, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 1690-1700 2022 Article
    FIGGE, F., A. THORPE, J. GOOD, "Us before me: A group level approach to the circular economy", Ecological Economics, 2021, vol. 179, pp. 106838 2021 Article
    FIGGE, F., A. THORPE, S. MANZHYNSKI, "Between you and I: A Portfolio Theory of the circular economy", Ecological Economics, 2021, vol. 190, pp. 107190 2021 Article
    GOOD, J., A. THORPE, "The Nature of Organizing: A Relational Approach to Understanding Business Sustainability", Organization and Environment, 2020, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 359-383 2020 Article
    FIGGE, F., A.THORPE, "The symbiotic rebound effect in the circular economy", Ecological Economics, 2019, vol. 163, pp. 61-69 2019 Article
    THORPE, A., S.ROPER, "The ethics of gamification in a marketing context", Journal of Business Ethics, 2019, vol. 155, no. 2, pp. 597-609 2019 Article
    FIGGE, F., A. THORPE, P. GIVRY, L. CANNING, E. FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, "Longevity and Circularity as Indicators of Eco-Efficient Resource Use in the Circular Economy", Ecological Economics, 2018, vol. 150, pp. 297-306 2018 Article
    THORPE, A., F.FIGGE, "Climate change and globalisation as ‘Double Exposure’: Implications for policy development", Environmental Science & Policy, 2018, vol. 90, pp. 54-64 2018 Article
    FIGGE, F., P.GIVRY, L.CANNING, E.FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, A.THORPE, "Eco-efficiency of Virgin Resources: A Measure at the Interface Between Micro and Macro Levels", Ecological Economics, 2017, vol. 138, pp. 12-21 2017 Article
    Domaines d’enseignement


    Management général


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    Kedge Insights
    Insights Autres auteurs Catégorie Expertise
    The eco-efficiency of virgin resources Philippe GIVRY Louise CANNING Elizabeth FRANKLIN-JOHNSON Point de vue de l’expert
    Développement durable