Marketing Téléchargez le CV

Louise Canning est professeure associée en marketing et a reçu son doctorat de l’UWE Bristol en 1999. Ses recherches portent sur les aspects du marketing business-to-business, y compris l'adaptation, la communication et le développement durable dans les relations inter-entreprises. Louise a récemment etudié l'interface entre les marchés des entreprises et des consommateurs en matière de déchets et son travail a été publié dans de grandes revues internationales. Louise a enseigné et suivi des étudiants sur des thèmes de marketing divers, y compris business-to-business, global, services et marketing stratégique ainsi que la gestion des relations. Louise a plus de 20 ans d'expérience en gestion dans l'enseignement supérieur au Royaume-Uni et a déjà connu une carrière réussite dans les ventes internationales et le marketing.

    Publications récentes
    Publication Année de publication Type de publication
    DANGLADE, J.-P., L. CANNING - "Morphée, a unique marketing strategy to deliver success in the wellness market" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France 2024 Etude de cas déposée
    BRENNAN, R., L. CANNING, H. MCGRATH, Business to Business Marketing, Sage Publications, London, Great Britain, 2024 2024 Livre
    BRENNAN, R., L.CANNING, R.MCDOWELL, Business to Business Marketing, Sage Publications, London, Royaume Uni, 2020 2020 Livre
    MCGRATH, H., T. O'TOOLE, L. CANNING, "Coopetition: a fundamental feature of entrepreneurial firms' collaborative dynamics", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2019, vol. 34, no. 7, pp. 1555-1569 2019 Article
    LEEK, S., D. HOUGHTON, L. CANNING, "Twitter and behavioral engagement in the healthcare sector: An examination of product and service companies", Industrial Marketing Management, 2019, vol. 81, pp. 115-129 2019 Article
    CANNING, L., E.FRANKLIN-JOHNSON - "The big squeeze. Orange and the challenge of mobile phone take-back" - 2018, CCMP, Paris 2018 Etude de cas déposée
    FIGGE, F., A. THORPE, P. GIVRY, L. CANNING, E. FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, "Longevity and Circularity as Indicators of Eco-Efficient Resource Use in the Circular Economy", Ecological Economics, 2018, vol. 150, pp. 297-306 2018 Article
    BRENNAN, R., L.CANNING, R.MCDOWELL, Business to Business Marketing, Sage Publications, London, Royaume Uni, 2017 2017 Livre
    FIGGE, F., P.GIVRY, L.CANNING, E.FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, A.THORPE, "Eco-efficiency of Virgin Resources: A Measure at the Interface Between Micro and Macro Levels", Ecological Economics, 2017, vol. 138, pp. 12-21 2017 Article
    D'ANTONE, S., L. CANNING, E. FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, R. SPENCER, "Concerned innovation: The ebb and flow between market and society", Industrial Marketing Management, 2017, vol. 64, pp. 66-78 2017 Article
    CANNING, L., I.SZMIGIN, "Radical innovation, network competence and the business of body disposal", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2016, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 771-783 2016 Article
    CANNING, L., I.SZMIGIN, C.VAESSEN, "Consumer acceptance of radical alternatives to human disposal: an examination of the Belgian marketplace" dans Death in a Consumer Culture., Ed., Routledge, chap. 15, pp. 228-241, 2016 2016 Chapitre
    LEEK, S., L.CANNING, D.HOUGHTON, "Revisiting the Task Media Fit Model in the era of Web 2.0: Twitter use and interaction in the healthcare sector", Industrial Marketing Management, 2016, vol. 54, pp. 25-32 2016 Article
    MORAES, C., N.MICHAELIDOU, L.CANNING, "Student attitude toward a group coursework and peer assessment protocol", Industry and Higher Education, 2016, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 117-128 2016 Article
    FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, E., F.FIGGE, L.CANNING, "Resource duration as a managerial indicator for Circular Economy performance", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, vol. 133, pp. 589-598 2016 Article
    Domaines d’enseignement


    • Business to business marketing
    • Marketing strategy, principles
    Domaines de recherche

    BtoB Marketing

    • Interfirm relationships; networks & small business development
    Kedge Insights
    Insights Autres auteurs Catégorie Expertise
    The eco-efficiency of virgin resources Philippe GIVRY Elizabeth FRANKLIN-JOHNSON Andrea THORPE Point de vue de l’expert
    Développement durable
    Twitter use in the healthcare sector Aucun Point de vue de l’expert
    Marketing & nouvelle consommation