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Yahia H. Zoubir est professeur de relations internationales et de management international, et directeur de recherche en géopolitique à KEDGE Business School. Il a été professeur invité dans de nombreuses universités et écoles de commerce en Chine, aux États-Unis et dans plusieurs pays d’Europe et d’Asie au cours des 30 dernières années. Ses publications se comptent par dizaines d'articles dans des revues et des encyclopédies, livres et chapitres d'ouvrages sur la politique internationale, la politique étrangère, la gouvernance et les questions de sécurité. Il a travaillé comme consultant pour des gouvernements et des entreprises du monde entier. En 2020, il a été chercheur visitant a Brookings Doha Center au Qatar.

    Publications récentes
    Publication Année de publication Type de publication
    ZOUBIR, Y., E. TRAN, "China’s Health Diplomacy in the ‘New-Cold-War’ Era: Contrasting the Battle of Narratives in Europe and the Middle East and North Africa" dans Asia in the Old and New Cold Wars-Ideologies, Narratives, and Lived Experiences., Kenneth Paul Tan Ed., Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 157-188, 2023 2023 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., "The Israelization of the Western Sahara Conflict" dans Justice on Trial: Law, Politics and Western Sahara., Katlyn Thomas, Clive Symmons, & Pedro Pinto Leite Eds, AbeBooks, pp. 349-362, 2023 2023 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., J. BESENYŐ, J. HUDDLESON, Conflict and Peace in Western Sahara: The Role of the UN’s Peacekeeping Mission (MINURSO),, Routledge, London & New York, Royaume Uni, 2023 2023 Livre
    ZOUBIR, Y., S. LAGDAF, "MINURSO: A Mission for Maintaining the Status Quo" dans Conflict and Peace in Western Sahara: The Role of the UN’s Peacekeeping Mission (MINURSO)., Ed., Routledge, pp. 308-327, 2023 2023 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., E. TRAN, "China’s ‘Health Silk Road’ Diplomacy in the" dans Routledge companion to China and the Middle East and North Africa., Yahia H. Zoubir Ed., Routledge, pp. 240-254, 2023 2023 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., E. TRAN , "China in the Mediterranean: An Arena of Strategic Competition?", Mediterranean Politics, 2023 2023 Article
    ZOUBIR, Y., "Algeria and China: Shifts in political and military relations", Global Policy, 2023, vol. 14, no. S1, pp. 58-68 2023 Article
    ZOUBIR, Y., "Algeria and China: Shifts in Political and Military Relations", Global Policy, 2022 2022 Article
    ZOUBIR, Y., "China in the Southern Mediterranean: Integrating the Greater Maghreb in the New Silk Road", Mediterranean Politics, 2022 2022 Article
    ZOUBIR, Y., "The crisis of the rentier state: how the revolution of smiles has brought down the sultanistic regime in Algeria" dans New Wave of Revolutions in the MENA Region-A Comparative Perspective., Leonid Issaiev and Andrey Korotayev Ed., Springer International Publishing, pp. 57-74, 2022 2022 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., "Making up for Lost Time: Russia and Central Maghreb" dans Russian Policy towards the Middle East: New Trends, Old Traditions., Nikolay Kozhanov Ed., Oxford University Press, pp. 191-222, 2022 2022 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., E. TRAN, "China’s Health Silk Road in the MENA amidst COVID-19 and a Contested World Order", Journal of Contemporary China, 2022, vol. 31, no. 135, pp. 335-350 2022 Article
    ZOUBIR, Y., A. ABDERRAHMANE , "Alger au Sahel: Stabilité et Sécurité", Politique étrangère, 2022, no. 2, pp. 119-130 2022 Article
    ZOUBIR, Y., "The Maghreb in International Relations", Ed., Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, 2022 2022 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., "China’s foreign policy pragmatism and influence in Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia", Orient, Journal of German Orient Institute, 2021, vol. 62/2021, pp. 14-24 2021 Article
    ZOUBIR, Y., "China's Relations with Algeria" dans China and North Africa: Between Economics, Politics, and Security., Adel Abdel Ghafar Ed., I.B. Tauris, 2021 2021 Chapitre
    RESPATI WULANDARI, R., Y. ZOUBIR, "Catholic priests in the Archdiocese of Jakarta: Evidence of entrepreneurial leadership", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, Printemps 2021, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 6-20 2021 Article
    SUN, D., Y. ZOUBIR, "Securing China’s ‘Latent Power’: The Dragon’s Anchorage in Djibouti", Journal of Contemporary China, 2021, vol. 30, no. 130, pp. 677-692 2021 Article
    ZHANG, C., Y. ZOUBIR, "Resisting Change: Tunisia and Algeria Manage Islamism", Middle East Policy, Hiver 2021, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 83-102 2021 Article
    ZOUBIR, Y., D. LOUNNAS, "European-North African Security: The Complexity of Cooperation" dans Transnational Security Cooperation in the Mediterranean, Edited by Robert Mason., Ed., Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 183-208, 2020 2020 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., "The Algerian-Moroccan Rivalry: Constructing the Imaginary Enemy" dans Shocks and Rivalries in the Middle East and North Africa., Imad Mansour & William R. Thompson Ed., Georgetown University Press, pp. 179-200, 2020 2020 Chapitre
    SUN, D., Y. ZOUBIR, "AFRICOM’S Military Base in Djibouti: A History of its advancement" dans Expanding US Military Command in Africa: Elites, Networks and Grand Strategy., Tshepo Gwatiwa & Justin van der Merwe Ed., Routledge, 2020 2020 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., "The Giant Afraid of Its Shadow’”: Algeria, the Reluctant Middle Power" dans Unfulfilled Aspirations: Middle Power Politics in the Middle East., Adham Saouli Ed., Oxford University Press, pp. 67-90, 2020 2020 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., "The Protracted Civil War in Libya: The Role of Outside Powers", Turkey Insight, Automne 2020, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 11-27 2020 Article
    ZOUBIR, Y., "Algeria" dans Politics and Society in the Contemporary Middle East., Michele Penner Angrist Ed., Lynne Rienner, chap. 9, pp. 189-2016, 2019 2019 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., Y.HAMITOUCHE, "China's Relations with Algeria A Strategic Partnership?" dans The Politics of Algeria: Domestic Issues and International Relations., Zoubir, Y. Eds, Routledge, pp. 210-225, 2019 2019 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., "Les Relations de la Chine avec les pays du Maghreb: La Place Prépondérante de l’Algérie", Confluences Méditerranée, 2019, vol. 2, no. 109, pp. 91- 103. 2019 Article
    ZOUBIR, Y., D.LOUNNAS, "L’Algérie face à l’arc des menaces en Libye et au Mali : Quelle stratégie ?", The Maghreb Review, 2019, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 58-90 2019 Article
    ZOUBIR, Y., "Conflit du Sahara Occidental : Manœuvres géopolitiques et facteurs de blocage" dans Sahara Occidental-Conflit oublié, population en mouvement, s., S. Boulay & F. Correale Ed., Presses Universitaires François Rabelais , pp. 123-144, 2018 2018 Chapitre
    SUN, D., Y. ZOUBIR, "China’s Participation in Conflict Resolution in the Middle East and North Africa: A Case of Quasi mediation Diplomacy?", Journal of Contemporary China, 2018, vol. 27, no. 110, pp. 224-243 2018 Article
    ZOUBIR, Y., L.DRIS-AIT-HAMADOUCHE, "Algérie : résistances et contre-résistances" dans Etat des luttes. Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord., Ed., CETRI - Centre tricontinental, vol. XXV, chap. 4, pp. 109-116, 2018 2018 Chapitre
    SUN, D., Y.ZOUBIR, "Development First: China’s Investment in Seaport Constructions and Operations along the Maritime Silk Road", Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies , 2017, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 35-47 2017 Article
    ZOUBIR, Y., "Emmanuel Macron et l’Algérie : Amorce d’une véritable réconciliation ?", Les Cahiers de l'Orient, 2017, vol. 128, no. 4, pp. 37-46 2017 Article
    ZOUBIR, Y., "From Anticolonial Nationalist Liberation Movement to Ruling Party: The FLN in Algeria," dans National Liberation Movements as Governments in Africa., Redie Bereketeab Ed., Routledge, pp. 89-105, 2017 2017 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., "Security Challenges, Migration, Instability and Terrorism in the Sahel" dans Geopolitical Turmoil and its Effects in the Mediterranean Region., Ed., IE Med Mediterranean, pp. 134-140, 2017 2017 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., "The North–South Divide: Southern Perceptions of the Mediterranean" dans Routledge Handbook of Mediterranean Politics., Richard Gillespie & Frédéric Volpi Ed., Routledge, pp. 97-109, 2017 2017 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., "Libya and Security Challenges in the Maghreb" dans Security Issues in the Greater Middle East,., Karl Yambert Ed., Praeger/ABC Clio, pp. 301-310, 2016 2016 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., North African Politics Change & Continuity, Routledge, London, Royaume Uni, 2016 2016 Livre
    ZOUBIR, Y., A.AGHROUT, "Algeria: Reforms without change, Yahia H. Zoubir & Gregory White Editors" dans North African Politics: Change & Continuity., Ed., Routledge, chap. 9, pp. 145-155, 2016 2016 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., D.SUN, "The Eagle’s Nests in the Gulf: Analysis of the United States Military Deployments in the GCC Countries (1991-2014)" dans The United States and the Gulf: Shifting Pressures, Strategies and Alignments, Edited by Tim Niblock and Steven Hook., Ed., Gerlach Press, chap. 5, pp. 78-96, 2016 2016 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., I.BELHADJ, D.SUN, "China in North Africa: A strategic partnership" dans North African Politics: Change and Continuity, edited with Gregory White., Ed., Routledge, chap. 18, pp. 329-349, 2016 2016 Chapitre
    ZOUBIR, Y., S.ZUNES, "The United States and North Africa" dans North African Politics: Change & continuity, Y. Zoubir & G. White, editors., Ed., Routledge, pp. 277-308, 2016 2016 Chapitre
    Domaines d’enseignement


    Management général

    Domaines de recherche

    Management interculturel

    Management international



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