Management-GRH Téléchargez le CV

Le Dr Ghulam MURTAZA a obtenu son doctorat en sciences de gestion à l'IAE Aix-en- Provence, Université d'Aix-Marseille, en 2017. Il est professeur Associe à la KEDGE Business School. Il enseigne le comportement des organisations, l'éthique des affaires, la gestion internationale des ressources humaines (IHRM), l'intelligence économique, la formation et le développement. Il a publié des articles de recherche dans des revues internationales au comité de lecture telles que le Journal of Business Ethics, Applied Psychology, International Journal of Manpower, Journal of Personality, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management, Personnel Review, International Studies of Management and Organization, Decisions Marketing, International Journal of Public Administration, and Human Systems Management. Il a présenté des articles lors de plusieurs conférences internationales, notamment AOM, SIOP, AGRH, EURAM, EAWOP, EMAC et BAM. Il est également membre du comité de rédaction du Journal of Business Ethics. Le Dr Ghulam est ouvert à la supervision de doctorats et accueille les candidats qui souhaitent travailler dans le domaine de la psychologie organisationnelle, de la micro RSE et de l'éthique des affaires.   

    Publications récentes
    Publication Année de publication Type de publication
    MURTAZA, G., O. ROQUES, Q.-U.-A. TALPUR , R. KHAN, I. INAM UL HAQ, "Effects of perceived organisational politics and effort–reward imbalance on work outcomes – the moderating role of mindfulness", Personnel Review, 2024, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 76-98 2024 Article
    NEVEU, J.-P., R. KHAN, G. MURTAZA, "Investing in resources: An interaction model of personal resources, commitment, and work achievement", Journal of Personality, 2024, vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 361-377 2024 Article
    MUSHTAQ, R., G. MURTAZA, D. YAHIAOUI, I. ALESSIO, Q.-U.-A. TALPUR, "Impact of financial literacy on financial inclusion and household financial decisions: exploring the role of ICTs", International Studies of Management & Organization, 2024, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 68-84 2024 Article
    OHANA, M., G. MURTAZA, I. INAM UL HAQ, E. AL-SHATTI, C. ZHANG, "Why and When can CSR toward Employees Lead to Cyberloafing? The Role of Workplace Boredom and Moral Disengagement", Journal of Business Ethics, 2024, vol. 189, pp. 133-148 2024 Article
    MUHAMMAD UMAR AZEEM, M., I. INAM UL HAQ, G. MURTAZA, H. HINA JAFFERY, "Challenge–Hindrance Stressors, Helping Behavior and Job Performance: Double‐Edged Sword of Religiousness", Journal of Business Ethics, 2023, vol. 184, no. 687-699 2023 Article
    MURTAZA, G., J.-P. NEVEU, R. KHAN , Q. U. A. TALPUR, "Gossip 2.0: The role of social media and moral attentiveness on counterproductive work behaviour", Applied Psychology: An International Review, 2023, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 1478-1505 2023 Article
    MURTAZA, G., O. ROQUES, J. SIEGRSIT, Q.-U.-A. TALPUR , "Unfairness and Stress—An Examination of Two Alternative Models: Organizational-Justice and Effort–Reward Imbalance", International Journal of Public Administration, 2023, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 602-612 2023 Article
    TALPUR, Q.-U.-A., L. NICOD, G. MURTAZA, K. GOUDARZI, "Je tiens le coup grâce à mes clients ! » Ou quand le client devient la principale source de soutien social du personnel en contact", Décisions Marketing, 2023, vol. 11, pp. 69-91 2023 Article
    BHATTI, S., F. SALEEM, G. MURTAZA, T. UL HAQ, "Exploring the impact of green human resource management on environmental performance: the roles of perceived organizational support and innovative environmental behavior", International Journal of Manpower, 2022, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 742-762 2022 Article
    KHAN, R., G. MURTAZA, J. P. NEVEU, A. NEWMAN, "Reciprocal Relationship between Workplace Incivility and Deviant Silence - The Moderating Role of Moral Attentiveness", Applied Psychology: An International Review, 2022, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 174-196 2022 Article
    MOUSA, M., H. MASSOUD, R. AYOUBI, G. MURTAZA, "Why Him Not ME? Inclusive/Exclusive Talent Identification in Academic Public Context", International Journal of Public Administration, 2022, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 747-759 2022 Article
    KHAN, R., J. P. JEAN-PIERRE NEVEU, G. MURTAZA, K. KASHIF ULLAH KHAN, "Impact of Psychological Resources on Employee Engagement: The Mediating Role of Positive Affect and Ego-Resilience", Sage Open, 2022, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1-12 2022 Article
    MURTAZA, G., M. MOUSA, O. ROQUES, "Understanding the role of self-efficacy in moderating work-family interface and emotional exhaustion", Human Systems Management, 2021, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 353–364 2021 Article
    MURTAZA, G., O. ROQUES, Q.-U.-A. TALPUR, R. KHAN, "Religious beliefs as a moderator of the relationships between workplace incivility and counterproductive work behaviours", Human Systems Management, 2021, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 813-823 2021 Article
    KHAN, R., J.-P. NEVEU, G. MURTAZA, "Is Grit Hurting You? The Dark Side of Psychological Resources in Goal Pursuit", Applied Psychology: An International Review, 2021, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 1323-1344 2021 Article
    MURTAZA, G., M. ABBAS, U. RAJA, O. ROQUES, A. KHALID, R. MUSHTAQ, "Impact of Islamic Work Ethics on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Knowledge-Sharing Behaviors", Journal of Business Ethics, 2016, vol. 133, no. 2, pp. 325-333 2016 Article
    Domaines d’enseignement

    Gestion des ressources humaines

    Management général

    Domaines de recherche

    Ethique des affaires

    Gestion des ressources humaines

    Comportement organisationnel 


    Organisation industrielle

    Management interculturel